Hi ladies
You are invited to join us for a Zoom Gathering for Ezway woman members who have an interest in health and wellness. Master Teresa will also show you the popular 5 minute Breathe Easy Qi Gong (Chi Gong) to strengthen the lungs!
The main purpose is help women who are members of Ezway to relax, socialize, chat, release stress, re-energize, and learn something useful by meeting each other in a comfortable setting. The gathering, complete with the rejuvenating Qi Gong, will clear the mind, release anxiety and help better sleep.
- Meet and Greet our women members on Zoom. We will be experimenting with this healing and social event on alternating Thursdays.
❤️2nd Gathering
Thursday Oct 13, 27
5:00 PM – 06.15PM PT (8pm ET Toronto)
>>Zoom link
** alternate way with Ezway Pitch Party 5-7pm PST