Go Beyond the Stage: Harnessing the Power of Virtual Summits


06/19/2024 11:00 am


06/19/2024 12:00 pm



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Event Details

Have you ever felt like your message, despite its importance and depth, is simply floating into the abyss, unheard and unappreciated? You’re not alone. Many talented speakers, podcasters, and coaches share your frustration. But what if I told you there’s a way to break through the noise, reach your ideal audience, and turn your passion into profit?

Enter Nicole Borghi, a renowned virtual summit producer, podcast producer, and coach. Nicole has not only mastered the art of impactful speaking but has also turned these engagements into lucrative revenue streams. Now, she’s here to guide you through the maze with her webinar:

“Beyond the Stage: 🚀 Harnessing the Power of Virtual Reality Summits”

Mark Your Calendars:
📅 Day: June 19th
⏰ Time: 2pm EST / 11am PST

Here’s what you’ll discover in this game-changing webinar:

👉Strategic Launch Playbook: Learn how to launch your virtual summit with a bang, creating anticipation and buzz that ensures your voice is heard from the get-go.

👉Community Building Mastery: Nicole reveals the secrets to engaging your audience and transforming them into a thriving, supportive community.

👉Monetization Magic: Explore various sponsorship and monetization models that can turn your podcast into a consistent income source.

👉Engagement Strategies: Get insider tips on fostering a dedicated listener base, ensuring your audience grows with you and remains excited for every episode.

🫤Don’t let your message get lost in the void. It’s time to amplify your voice and transform your passion into a tangible, profitable reality.

👠Take the first step towards podcasting success and financial freedom.

Spaces are filling up fast, and you won’t want to miss this opportunity to learn from one of the best in the business. Secure your place today and start your journey from podium to profit.


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